Five Things You Should Not Do After A Ride
After completing a long ride on your Scott Genius, you just want to slip into your couch and grab TV remote to watch the highlights of the last night’s football game. Or, you might want to take care of a lot of other things you have to do. However, don't you realize that you are missing a good workout after your long ride? Don't you want your body to make a proper recovery? You are a new cycling enthusiast. You are likely to make some mistakes before, during and after the ride.
Today we will cover the things you should not do after a ride.
Stopping Short
If you finish the ride at your door, don't miss a key workout component. It is important to cool down. Just let your muscles without resistance. This removes lactic acid and other metabolic byproducts from your muscles. Don't skip this process of cooling. Otherwise, the lactic acid build-up will lead to the risk of blood pooling in your legs. This can cause lightheadedness or dizziness.
Getting comfortable in kit
Finally, you are home after a tiring ride. You have made your recovery smoothie. You have checked your emails and missed calls. If it is extremely urgent, you can make a return call. However, just don't lay down on the floor and wait for the shower time. Your cycling kit is already sweaty. If you are still in your cycling shorts, you should have changed the momentyou arrived. This mistake can lead to infections and saddle sores. Change your clothes and take a shower after finishing your ride.
Filling up on junk
It is important to fuel properly before and during the ride. If you have done so, you do not need to eat anything immediately after finishing your ride. However, a lot of cyclists thinkthat undereating while cycling can help in dropping a few pounds. However, this is not true.
Avoid fats. It slows down your digestive system. If you want to make a fast recovery, you need proteins and carbs.
Neglecting your cycle and gear
Do you know why your bike is in the worst shape? Once you are home, you just ignore it as if it does not even exist. When was the last time your cycle got the cleaning it deserves? Not cleaning the bike after every ride is a big mistake. Give it a decent cleaning, especially if you are back after a bad weather adventure. Assess the condition of your bike. Give it a quick wipedown if it is dusty. And, if it is muddy, clean it properly if you want it ready for the next ride. Don't let the mud dry. Otherwise, it will be difficult to clean your Scott Genius.
Skipping Stretching
Even when you are not an athlete, it is important to maintain your mobility. Skipping stretching is not good for you in the long run. So, do some stretching before and after the ride. You can use a foam roller as well.
Avoiding these things will keep you and your Scott Genius in the best shape.
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